John 9 - Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind (By Luke Lucero) May 26, 2013
(Inspired by “Why Was
This Child Born Blind?” and “The Works of God and the Worship of Jesus” sermons
by John Piper)
Today we’re going to talk about
disabilities and the sovereign goodness of God. Disabilities break into life in
various forms. It can be in genetic mutations, or after a traumatic accident, an
illness or infection, and even thru aging alongside the inevitable degenerative
processes. Despite the U.S. being a country that is quite advanced
in terms of medicine and its technological application, 20% of their population
has disabilities, which is still a big proportion. Even a church is not immune
to having “disabilities” as well. As such, fundamental questions about God’s
goodness in light of these disabilities are faced by the pastors, shepherds,
and shepherdesses alike, being surrounded by a number of people that may as
well ask them such questions regarding God’s goodness or maybe challenging the
truth that if God has a good design in all the things that He creates, would
then the existing disability of a person be also be a part of His “good design”.
How then do we respond as Christians? For us to hear from Him, we must learn
to submit our heart to Him and His Word to be able to understand what His
purpose is on why we have such disabilities. In this passage we will talk about
two things: